12/11/24 - Don't Miss Your Chance: Apply for the MIPS Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) Exception

The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation announced the agency has reached an agreement to secure a new professional licensing system for individuals whose careers require a license to 

The MIPS Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) Exception application is open through the end of the year. Groups/clinicians who don’t usually report MIPS or have no MIPS-eligible clinicians may consider applying for the EUC to ensure no downside risk.

Groups/clinicians significantly impacted by the Change Healthcare outage should consider filing a MIPS EUC Exception application. You can submit an application for any of the MIPS Performance categories (quality, cost, improvement activities, and promoting interoperability) if you have experienced Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances. EUCs are defined as rare events entirely outside of your control and the control of the facility in which you practice that may:

  • Cause you to be unable to collect the information necessary to submit for a MIPS performance category.
  • Cause you to be unable to submit the information used to score a MIPS performance category for an extended period (for example, if you failed to collect data for the quality performance category for three months).
  • Impact your every day processes and affect your performance on cost measures and other administrative claims measures. 

Anyone wanting to apply for an EUC should.......CLICK HERE FORE MORE 


11/20/24 - IDFPR Licensing Software 

IDFPR Licensing Software:  The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation announced the agency has reached an agreement to secure a new professional licensing system for individuals whose careers require a license to work in Illinois. The Department will invest $9 million over the next three years and partner with NIC Licensing Solutions, LLC to implement the new online system. 

IDFPR will immediately begin implementation of the new software, and all Departmental licensees will be transitioned to the new licensing system in six phases, ensuring every application and fee payment will be available online.  

According to the Department, the new licensing system will feature a user-friendly interface with improved communications and create a streamlined review of license applications and fees. Prospective licensees will be notified electronically when applications are received, reviewed, and licenses are issued by the Department.  Read more here.


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